索尼为何要出售包含品牌 VAIO 在内的 PC 业务?在使用 Windows 的前提下

发表时间:2017-12-12 06:48:01 作者: 来源: 浏览:

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Sony Japan | ニュースリリース

Sony looking to sell PC business to investment fund- Nikkei Asian Review

Sony is in talks to unload its sluggish personal computer operations to investment fund Japan Industrial Partners, part of a business overhaul designed to shift focus to smartphones, The Nikkei learned Tuesday.

Under the plan, the fund will establish a new company to which Sony will sell its entire PC business. The sale price is estimated at ④⓪ billion yen to ⑤⓪ billion yen ($③⑨① million to $④⑧⑨ million).

据Engadget报道,索尼刚刚确认将把旗下的PC业务及VAIO品牌出售给日本投资基金JIP(Japan Industrial Partners),交易预计将在今年③月完成。后者会为此成立①家新的公司,索尼占股⑤%。JIP接手过来后,①开始将只专注在日本本土市场,当然了,以后再往外扩张也还是有可能的。


--------------------///-/-----------------The Next Web的报道:

Sony has announced that it is laying off ⑤ · ⓪⓪⓪ staff as part of major restructuring plans that will see the Japanese firm sell its Vaio PC business and spin its TV division into its own company.

The layoffs will affect ① · ⑤⓪⓪ staff in its native Japan and a further ③ · ⑤⓪⓪ who are based overseas. A mixture of redundancies, early retirement and potential transfers to new companies will be offered to those selected within manufacturing, sales and admin roles in its TV and PC businesses. The firm believes it can trim costs by one third over the next ①⑤ months before the start of its ②⓪①⑤ financial year.

There has been much speculation about the future of Sony\'s Vaio business, so it comes as little surprise that the unit is being sold. The loss-making division is being bought by Japan Industrial Partners (JIP), the Japanese fund that was strongly linked with a deal this weekend (it was also suggested that Lenovo had been interested.) Under JIP\'s leadership, the new company will focus on the local Japanese market, “while evaluating possible further geographic expansion.”

Sony has long made it clear that it was reviewing the future of its PC business, and it picks out a number of factors — including “the drastic changes in the global PC industry” — behind its decision. The company anticipates that the JIT deal will be completed by March ②⓪①④ — which means the products it launches this Spring will be its last Vaio devices, though it will continue to offer assistance to customers beyond the completion of the sale.

As for its TV brand, Sony says it intends to spin it out into a separate company that it will control by July ②⓪①④. Sony has cut the division\'s losses significantly — a ①④⑦.⑤ billion yen loss for financial year ②⓪①① was cut to a ⑥⑨.⑥ billion loss one year later — and it expects that to continue, with the spun out firm forecast to reach profitability for its ②⓪①④ financial year.

In addition to cutting costs to reach its target, the TV business is adopting a different approach that will see it focus in high-end products — in particular its ④K range — while enhancing its ②K range with new features. In emerging markets, the company will release TV sets that are “tailored to specific local needs.”

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