

77.02 MB Qwant 简体中文
免费 办公
苹果 1万+
2018-08-26 19:10:01
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推荐理由:《Qwant》是一款适用于苹果系统的办公类软件APP。Made in Europe, Qwant is the best search engine that respects your privacy. Unlike most search engines, we give you not only the results most relevant to your web search; we also guarantee your privacy online.《Qwant》大小77.02 MB,在本站深受24264位玩家喜爱和下载。要找等,赶紧下载到手机吧。
*** Efficiency & privacy packed into a user-friendly APP, that’s what Qwant’s mobile is all about!
- Efficiency: we give you the results most relevant to your web search, with total neutrality when it comes to results - that means we don’t accept money to rank some results higher than others, we just give you the best. Search for information across websites, social networks, images, videos, musicsql_injectionshopping.
- Privacy: we do not track your ACTivity (no cookies, no tracer)sql_injectioncollect your search history like most other search engines do. What you do on Qwant is private.
- User-Friendly: we offer you a simplesql_injectioneasy-to-use mobile application.
*** A search engine + a browser that respect your privacy
On mobile devices, it is almost impossible to use Qwant as the default search engine in your browser. It’s crazy, right?
That’s why we created Qwant mobile. It combines our powerful search engine with an efficient web browser, based on the best open source code, in one easy-to-use mobile application.
Thanks to the browser’s Do No Track protection, we block the most intrusive tracers on the websites you visit, without preventing them from functioning. For a ①⓪⓪% private navigation, stricter options are also available.
*** A convenient browsing experience
Qwant not only gives you a fast, transparentsql_injectionconfidential web experience, but also a convenient one. Qwant’s mobile app offers you the best features you expect from a browser:
- Easily navigate between different tabs
- Bookmark your favourite pages for easy-access
- Search through your web history (except in Do Not Track mode)
- Enjoy relevant search suggestions
*** Qwant Junior for the kids
Qwant Junior is Qwant’s search engine for young users. Securedsql_injectioneducative, it offers kids a first approach to web navigation that is aligned with Qwant’s values of transparency, efficiencysql_injectionprivacy.
On Qwant’s mobile app, you can choose to use Qwant’s regular search enginesql_injectionQwant Junior’s one. You can also pick between Qwantsql_injectionQwant Junior for the search suggestions. Kids too can enjoy Qwant’s private mobile experience!






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