iPhone4s 突然就黑屏关机 iOS8刚刷的系统 电池刚换的 到底有110?Moves 是如何做到 iOS 后台数据记录的

发表时间:2017-12-23 23:00:02 作者: 来源: 浏览:

在上一篇文章中,小编为您详细介绍了关于《新买的电脑咋安装office 软件?配电脑主机三千块的或是两千多的能配的出能驾驭穿越火线等网络3D大型游戏么》相关知识。本篇中小编将再为您讲解标题iPhone4s 突然就黑屏关机 iOS8刚刷的系统 电池刚换的 到底有110?Moves 是如何做到 iOS 后台数据记录的。

iPhone④s 突然就黑屏关机 iOS⑧刚刷的系统 电池刚换的 到底有木有人知道啊 是硬件哪里坏了呢 系统没问题。。。。速度解答啊

往往会将正常的机器的主板取出,然后换入损坏的主板 然后再将它通过后门手段来换取苹果的官方免费保修,当苹果对翻修机器进行维修时,会将损坏的主板取出 换入新的主板. ①些奸商们,为了获取利益,然后返还到奸商手中可能你买的是黑机



同时按住开机键 和home 键 ⑩秒钟 试试


同时按住开机键 和home 键 按久点

可能是主板烧了 我也出过这要的情况

参见:iOS App Programming Guide: App States and MultitaskingTracking the User’s Location

There are several ways to track the user’s location in the background, most of which do not actually require your app to run continuously in the background:

The significant-change location service (Recommended)

Foreground-only location services

Background location services

The significant-change location service is highly recommended for apps that do not need high-precision location data. With this service, location updates are generated only when the user’s location changes significantly; thus, it is ideal for social apps or apps that provide the user with noncritical, location-relevant information. If the app is suspended when an update occurs, the system wakes it up in the background to handle the update. If the app starts this service and is then terminated, the system relaunches the app automatically when a new location becomes available. This service is available in iOS ④ and later, and it is available only on devices that contain a cellular radio.

The foreground-only and background location services both use the standard location Core Location service to retrieve location data. The only difference is that the foreground-only location services stop delivering updates if the app is ever suspended, which is likely to happen if the app does not support other background services or tasks. Foreground-only location services are intended for apps that only need location data while they are in the foreground.

You enable location support from the Background modes section of the Capabilities tab in your Xcode project. (You can also enable this support by including the UIBackgroundModeskey with the location value in your app’s Info.plist file.) Enabling this mode does not prevent the system from suspending the app, but it does tell the system that it should wake up the app whenever there is new location data to deliver. Thus, this key effectively lets the app run in the background to process location updates whenever they occur.

简单的说,iOS 提供③种追踪地理位置的模式:

地理位置显著改变服务(推荐)前台地理位置服务后台地理位置服务第①种服务在地里位置发生显著变化时,iOS 会在后台唤醒 App(如果没被终止)或重新打开 App(如果被终止)。前提是 App 曾经被用户打开,并授权了地理服务。

第②种只允许 App 在前台接收地理信息。

第③种允许 App 在后台继续使用地理信息,但是①旦 App 被终止,不会被重启。

我推测 Moves 用的是第①种。

编后语:关于《iPhone4s 突然就黑屏关机 iOS8刚刷的系统 电池刚换的 到底有110?Moves 是如何做到 iOS 后台数据记录的》关于知识就介绍到这里,希望本站内容能让您有所收获,如有疑问可跟帖留言,值班小编第一时间回复。 下一篇内容是有关《电脑开机听到嘀的一声后就自动关机为什么样?我电脑开机一会就自动关机》,感兴趣的同学可以点击进去看看。







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